Chemical Cowboys - The Best Chemical Tipsters!


A review of the most dazzling, must-try chemical tipsters ever written! Enough to satisfy even the most insatiable set of die hard DIY hands.

Experimentation is a key element of Lomography. Be spontaneous and adventurous, be wild and daring and try some of these outrageous chemical tipsters! Dazzle your fellow Lomographers with them and add a further layer of analogue fun-ness to your day!

So here (in no particular order) are some of the most popular chemical tipsters on ways to achieve surreal, hallucinogenic, ethereal effects which will be unpredictable and exciting on each try… so don’t be shy, and read right on to gain some far out knowledge!

Add Baking Soda
Whip up a sweet treat by adding some baking soda! Read this tipster by one of Lomographys biggest contributors – mephisto19 !


Do the Dishwasher!
While cleaning up is never anyone favorite task – our very own Dr.Lab aka hti straight from the HQ Lomography Archive changes the whole game. So come on everybody – do the dishwasher!


Bleach and Shout!
Looking to create some divinely dreamy and fashionably faded Lomographs? We have got the perfect tipster for you – its time to Bleach & Shout 1950’s style (go on – all the kids are doing it)!


Roast your film
Its getting hot in here – no literally this tipster actually requires you to bake your film! Worry not for your poor roll of film – imagine it as a very warm and (not so) exotic holiday for small and hard working canisters.


For the hypochondriac among you film lovers – try out this (slightly over-indulgent) medical “un-healing”.


Minty Fresh
For this refreshing experiment you do not even need to sacrifice a new roll of film! Simply take some old negatives and try out this minty-breathed tipster to see what happens!


Film Soup
Do you live and breath Lomography? Then its high time you started eating it too.. well, at least cooking it! Try this delicious Lomographic recipe for some psychedelic results!


As you can see, it is the case more often than not that you do not even need to venture out of your home or buy complex or strange supplies to try or create a new tipster.

So let your wildest DIY fantasies become a reality and most importantly just have fun with these hands on experiments. Wade in the thrilling waters of uncertainty! Be a pioneer or a maverick and pause if you must, but whatever you do, don’t stop!

escrito por jesuisz el 2011-03-11 #lifestyle #fun #diy #analogue #tutorial #experiment #lab-rat #future #tipster #handicraft #prophecies #film-manipulation

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