Propuesta de stages-of-sleep


Dream no. ?. Walk, walk, walk alone on small steps and get to an abandoned garden on the side of the hill. Is it really abandoned this place? Yes only cluttering bamboo sound is around but everything is well cared in the garden, new fence, new flowerbeds, they were here yesterday and before yesterday, and all the days since the snow dried up, but now nobody is here, but a strange noise, floating fishes on the dim sky make this noise. Oh, really! The grandma who cares the garden she must have grandchildren, now they are all in the town to celebrate, left the fishes alone under the clouds, swimming in place all day, and who knows if they ever come back.

Romper los Límites: Premio Fotografía Documental y de Viajes 2020

¡Te damos la bienvenida a la ronda de inscripciones para los premios Lomography Annual Photography Awards: TEN AND ONE 2020! Muéstranos tus mejores fotografías documentales y de viajes y gana en la categoría Rompiendo los Límites.

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