

Tragedy struck Dio when she was born: she lived. No one knows when she first picked up a video game controller, but when she did, she never put it down. Art is her lifeblood (though her attention span is such that a majority of her work is pencil sketches), and her Holga opened her eyes to the beauty in a sometimes painful and ugly world, and now never leaves her side/sight. Completely addicted to music, she’s never seen without her overworked iPod. Grew up with the show Mystery Science Theater 3000, and acquired a taste for shiny things, robots, Converse shoes, and helmets, explaining her terminal obsession with Daft Punk. It took her 10 years to graduate, and has no idea what to do with herself with a degree in the mysterious, arcane art of English, but with her Holga by her side, she'll figure it out somehow. Tune in next week, we promise there will be ninjas.

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