9 Comentarios

  1. yago56
    yago56 ·

    Great set

  2. seanyeo
    seanyeo ·

    @yago56 Thanks! :)

  3. cfehse
    cfehse ·

    Wonderful portraits. I love it.

  4. seanyeo
    seanyeo ·

    @cfehse Thanks! I love to use this technique to capture the portraits, it gives a very intense look!

  5. cfehse
    cfehse ·

    @seanyo Yes indeed it does. Very intense and beautiful.

  6. likelyokie
    likelyokie ·

    I've looked into getting a speedgraphic. This just tempts me more, Lovely portrait!

  7. brimfullofasha
    brimfullofasha ·

    excellent! congrats :-)

  8. seanyeo
    seanyeo ·

    @likelyokie Thanks! Yes, it's a lovely camera and produces great 4x5 negatives too! :)

  9. seanyeo
    seanyeo ·

    @brimfullofasha Thanks! :)

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