All Newton Rings are courtesy of a special glass plate I bought for scanning specifically designed to eliminate Newton Rings. Excellent.

KodaK 2254 motion picture film. Expired. Developed in Kodak LORR LU C-41 color developer and modified C41 process with Potassium ferricyanide bleach, acetic acid stop bath and Ilford Hypam fixer. Colors are fairly easy to resolve with 85B filter in Post. We'll see what happens shooting with a 85B. Shot at ISO 3, should probably be ISO 2. These were all hand held just to ascertain exposure and development process. 1/125, 1/250, and 1/300 are attainable in daylight. Shadow light drops fast. This film struggles with light areas and overexposure it seems to blow out quickly, but we will see. No Remjet on 2254 so it is easy to develop. We'll try proper ECN-2 (CD-3) development next time.

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