My best friend came to visit and we did this fast photoshoot. Unfortunately my beloved Pentacon Six seems to overlap shots... let's cross fingers and hope it can be fixed :)

analogue blond cn girl indoor kodak madrid marta1901 negative pentacon portra portrait six
Pentacon Six
Kodak Portra 800 120
Sister Golden Hair

34 Comentarios

  1. andrejrusskovskij
    andrejrusskovskij ·

    oh my god, this is STUNNING, BREATHTAKING, FLAWLESS!!!

  2. lostlittlekid
    lostlittlekid ·


  3. ropi
    ropi ·

    muy buena luz!

  4. grazie
    grazie ·


  5. chourique
    chourique ·

    bravo, Marta! :)

  6. marta1901
    marta1901 ·

    @andrejrusskovskij wow my friend you are making me blush right now! thank you so so so much for appreciating my shots with so much enthusiasm <3 @lostlittlekid gracias amigo mío! @ropi :) fue mi primera sesión en interiores y estaba un poco nerviosa! pero ahora tengo ganas de volver a probar! @grazie thank you so much! @chourique :):) gracias!

  7. holgardo
    holgardo ·

    No hay como la iluminación de una buena ventana para una sesión fotográfica

  8. marta1901
    marta1901 ·

    @holgardo gracias :) es la primera vez que hago una sesión así y me ha gustado mucho la experiencia !

  9. onkel-m
    onkel-m ·

    Very nice album, hope Your camera is getting well !!!

  10. suizidekid
    suizidekid ·

    beautiful shot !

  11. tere
    tere ·

    que lindo album!, me encanta la luz y el grano de la pelicula....

  12. marta1901
    marta1901 ·

    @onkel-m thank you!! I really hope so too :) @suizidekid :) thank you! my fav! @tere gracias bella! la primera vez que usé esta película y he salido enamorada!!

  13. rik041
    rik041 ·

    exiting beautifull

  14. marta1901
    marta1901 ·

    @rik041 :) thank you! she really is!

  15. adi_totp
    adi_totp ·

    Golden girl.. There's a song of it. You should hear it while seeing this.. The Naked and Famous - Golden Girl

  16. marta1901
    marta1901 ·

    @adi_totp tryin that right now! The Naked and Famous are gooood!! thank you!

  17. adi_totp
    adi_totp ·

    I'm listening to it while seeing your photos. I think the main question is... "Am I your golden girl?" listening to this song will never be the same again since I saw these photos. Great job,my friend! :D

  18. marta1901
    marta1901 ·

    @adi_totp haha this is cute :) I am happy to be able to create a song atmosphere to you! great compliment! <3

  19. adi_totp
    adi_totp ·

    Yeah you did create a song atmosphere here so thank you <3 <3

  20. af-capture
    af-capture ·

    cool set

  21. ohlordy
    ohlordy ·

    incredible album ! and this shot is stunning !!! (my kiev 60 also likes to overlap, then i found a tip on the worldwidegoogleweb ... keep holding down the shutter release when you wind on to the next frame, seems to work much better (still really tight spacing)

  22. atria007
    atria007 ·

    <3<3<3<3 preciosssisima =)

  23. marta1901
    marta1901 ·

    @af_capture :) thank you! @ohlordy I'm going to try that for sure! thank you for the tip! really needed one... ¬¬ @atria007 <3 <3 gracias amor!!!

  24. adash
    adash ·

    Amazing stuff! Overlapped frames are nice in this set, they sort of create an additional frame around the subject....

  25. marta1901
    marta1901 ·

    @adash thank you! I kinda like them now but the thing is that they are not very welcome when you were not expecting them haha. But @dreamseller was very nice and sent me a link to see if I can fix it to I'll try his trick soon!

  26. elvismartinezsmith
    elvismartinezsmith ·

    beautiful album! I love the dyptichs :)

  27. marta1901
    marta1901 ·

    @elvismartinezsmith thank you so much for appreciating :)

  28. starbala
    starbala ·

    Muy bonito álbum, esta foto en concreto tiene una luz y un tono preciosos!

  29. marta1901
    marta1901 ·

    @starbala muchas gracias! :)

  30. castiana
    castiana ·

    La luz, la paleta de colores, me encantó todo<3

  31. hafenperle
    hafenperle ·

    So beautiful..

  32. marta1901
    marta1901 ·

    @castiana @hafenperle thank you girls <3 I think it's one of my fav albums so far! I'm so happy you both appreciated it as well!

  33. lichtschilder
    lichtschilder ·

    nice image! overlap doesn't make this image les impressive! very nice!

  34. marta1901
    marta1901 ·

    @lichtschilder thank you! :)

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