9 Comentarios

  1. clickiemcpete
    clickiemcpete ·

    Wow, these are really great, some of the best 120 doubles I have seen.

  2. sobetion
    sobetion ·

    nice doubles

  3. lulomo
    lulomo ·

    belli belli questi double!!complimenti a entrambi!!

  4. goonies
    goonies ·

    @clickiemcpete thanks for the nice words
    @sobetin thank you so much
    @lulomo grazie grazie :D

  5. madiba
    madiba ·

    wooww belle!!!!!

  6. clownshoes
    clownshoes ·

    Great Doubles

  7. mapix
    mapix ·

    goonies - love these medium format doubles with @madda_lena!

  8. goonies
    goonies ·

    @madiba grazie :D
    @clownshoes e @mapix thank you so much

  9. madda_lena
    madda_lena ·

    @mapix @clownshoes @madiba @clickiemcpete @sobetion @lulomo
    Thanks so much!! I'm glad too for this double with "the king of the double" @goonies !!

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