Propuesta de hervinsyah

The most energetic grandpa cover The Rolling Jagger Stone

Iman Smirnoff Iman, very old street musician, called himself as Iman Smirnoff is the most energetic street musician that I ever see in my hometown, Bandung, Indonesia. Behind of his having through hard life face, he makes everyone laugh and entertained when local session musician from Rumah Musik Harry Roesli ask him to play his favorite band, Rolling Stone. He jump and rolling in the street. And the peak are this one when he run to the stairs of the pedestrian bridge when I was stand and he sang like a crazy

Adictos a la Adrenalina: En el Aire

Ya sea con algo tan simple como un salto o con algo más sofisticado que requiera habilidades técnicas como snowboard, redefine lo que "volar" signifique con tu cámara.

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