Analogue Only*
Lara Çakmak was born in the year of Naranjito, in 1982, when Spain hosted the FIFA World Cup.
In her teenage years, she played at inventing stories for the passengers on the bus that took her to school, creating romantic scenes, fights, and even a mystery or two. Instead of just imagining stories, Lara writes and recreates them in images.
_ Canon AE1 Program _ Ektar _ Fujica ST701 _ Olympus Superzoom70 _ kodak Ektar H35N _ Pentax Espio 200 _ Diana Baby 110 _ Fuji FZ5 _
Mis Fotos Mis Álbumes Mis Likes
Mis Álbumes
compartido por laracakmak en 2024-09-02 · 10 Fotos 1 81 -
Álbum: Cementiri del PobleNou BARCELONA August 2024
compartido por laracakmak en 2024-09-02 · 16 Fotos 99 -
compartido por laracakmak en 2024-07-24 · 22 Fotos 2 219 -
Álbum: MADRID JUNE 2024
compartido por laracakmak en 2024-06-17 · 14 Fotos 160 -
compartido por laracakmak en 2024-06-16 · 74 Fotos 3 903
Mis Metas
- Tags:
- 35mm city close up cuidad dreams flores flowers image macros madrid sueños tio pepe monumentos ciudad capital
- barcelona
- barcelona film fun Fujica st701 fujicolor espired film 1999 experimented film sant celoni tour portrait old cars discovering places summer
- barcelona film fun Pentax Espio 200 Kodak Gold sant celoni tour portrait old cars discovering places summer
- barcelona film fun half frame kodak Gold 200 Pentax Espio neighborhood portrait shop summer
- barcelona film fun half frame kodak Ultramax CanonAE1 Program cementerio Poble nou portrait shop summer
- barcelona film fun half frame kodak Ultramax CanonAE1 Program neighborhood portrait shop summer
- barcelona film fun half half frame Fujifilm Superia 400 expired film 2005 experimental kodak ektar h35 neighborhood portrait shop summer
- barcelona film fun half half frame kodak 200 kodak fuji fz5 neighborhood portrait shop summer
- barcelona film fun half half frame kodak 200 kodak kodak ektar h35 neighborhood portrait shop summer
- barcelona film fun neighborhood portrait shop summer OLYMPUS SUPERZOOM70 Solaris 100 expired
- film
- fun
- half frame kodak 200
- italy torino asti FUJICA ST701 Fujifilm superia 200 35mm film fun Kodak Gold portrait discovering places summer
- italy torino asti OLYMPUS SUPERZOOM70 Solaris caducado 100 35mm film fun portrait discovering places summer
- kodak ektar h35
- neighborhood
- portrait
- shop
- summer
- Cameras:
- Canon AE-1 Program
- Canon AE-1 Program 50 mm
- Fuji FZ-5
- Fujica ST 701
- Kodak Ektar H35 Half Frame Film Camera
- Kodak Ektar H35N
- Olympus Superzoom 70
- Pentax Espio 200
- Pentax MX