awesome doubles with my very good friend sobetion , take a look to his stunning lomohome -

9 Comentarios

  1. ohlordy
    ohlordy ·

    great work @sobetion @qrro

  2. grazie
    grazie ·

    cool doubles my friends qrro and @sobetion !

  3. sobetion
    sobetion ·

    @ohlordy @grazie Thank you my dear friend <3

  4. crevans27
    crevans27 ·

    Great album!

  5. gatokinetik-o
    gatokinetik-o ·

    well, two of my favourites lomographers :D congrats @qrro @sobetion

  6. landei
    landei ·

    great doubles ♡

  7. sobetion
    sobetion ·

    @gatokinetik-o You're my favorite too :D :D :D

  8. qrro
    qrro ·

    @ohlordy @grazie @crevans27 @gatokinetik-o @landei
    Thank you som uch for your likes and your comments!! XD and special thanks to @sobetion for accept do doubles with me!!!

  9. sobetion
    sobetion ·

    @sobetion Thank you too Casar,,, it's been an honor to make doubles with you

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