7 Comentarios

  1. bloomchen
    bloomchen ·

    wow, one of the best supersampler pics i saw so far. i don´t really like the camera because of the small frames but this is just awesome! congrats.

  2. dakadev_pui
    dakadev_pui ·

    Nice SS shot

  3. grazie
    grazie ·


  4. susielomovitz
    susielomovitz ·

    love it! mini movie pleeeeaaaaseeee!

  5. alko
    alko ·

    In my opinion the effect is middling because in the camera j put negative film, not positive, i would like to put next time fuji sensia 400 and induce xpro :)

  6. snigdha597
    snigdha597 ·


  7. mylatehope
    mylatehope ·

    cool super sampler shot! you should make a mini movie out of this

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