Propuesta de wil6ka

the colour of water

I was lucky enough to join Vicuna, his brother Gérard and a bunch of wonderful people on a recent trip to Burkina Faso. This is the first album and an encounter of the Northern town of Nouna. Here, Gérard and his Partners, from the French city of Saint Priest and Germanys Mühlheim, are active in developing aid for more then ten years. One of the prime examples are these fountains, that can be easily used by spinning the wheel and which operate through a closed pipe-system, so the water can not be spoiled or infected through an open part. There is also a clever maintenance system. Villagers pay a small fee for using the fountains, like a flatrate pass. This money goes to technicians, who come from the village and who were educated to repair the fountains. Once a device breaks down, they are able to buy the needed parts and fix it...

25 Years of Lomography: Lomowall Burkina Faso

Además de sus paisajes únicos, ricas tradiciones musicales, y encantadoras casas pintadas a mano, Burkina se enorgullece del calor humano y hospitalidad de su gente. Presentanos las caras más amigables que conociste durante tu estancia en este país.

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