Propuesta de wil6ka

a Sign of the Polar Bear (Svalbard #5)

Literally. Svalbard original inhabitants are polar bears. People are just temporary visitors. Well and that bears (sic!) consequences. If you leave a settlement, especially in the winter, you are obliged to take a riffle with you. The airport of Longyearbyen has a very popular sign to indicate the very danger. Maybe one of the few street signs with a black background, but how would you see a white bear otherwise? Quite experimental to take these shots as it was pitch black...

25 Years of Lomography: Lomowall Noruega

Viaja al pasado en el Museo de los Barcos Vikingos, admira la grandiosidad de Geirangerfjorden, y disfruta de un asiento de primera clase rumbo a la aurora borealis. Muéstranos lo que hace de Noruega un paraíso pictoresco.

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