Propuesta de alexpelaez

ECLECTIC is a series of double exposure photographs of Street Environments of different cities, countryside and beaches from around the world. Where each city has its own distinctive pace of elements, circumstances, colours; an array of miscellanea that shape what we call memory; a human quality as ephemeral as ever-changing. All pictures where taken with the LOMO LC-A and LOMO LC-A 120 cameras using colour and black & white film, applying the double exposure technique.


Exploradores Urbanos: Premio Fotografía Callejera 2020

¡Te damos la bienvenida a la ronda de inscripciones para los premios Lomography Annual Photography Awards: TEN AND ONE 2020! Muéstranos tus mejores fotos callejeras y gana en la categoría Exploradores Urbanos.

Otras propuestas de alexpelaez